Antique Percussion & Flintlock Pistols Specialising in Quality Antique Firearms

Walther ppq long barrel pistol with triarii conversion

The stunning new Walther ppq carbine tactical package which includes a Walther ppq .22 Lr long Barrel pistol ,machined slide and shield adapter,TPR custom carbon barrel shroud and rear carbon rod ,one spare Walther 12 round mag ,one custom built carbine triarii chassis kit by tactical pistols and rifles. ((((Warning this kit is not a direct fit to the Walther ppq .22 long Barrel pistol in any way and requires Several hours of specialist custom work and thats why its exclusive to TPR ))))
With this setup you have the best of both worlds with the Walther ppq long Barrel pistol which can be fitted into the tactical triarii carbine stock in seconds, giving you a very compact tactical pistol carbine ( combining the very best of both worlds pistol and rifle)

You will need a long barrel pistol variation for the Walther ppq .22 on your certificate and that’s it ,no certificate or license for the triarii pistol conversion setup.

All enquires welcome. If you already have a Walther ppq long Barrel pistol you can send your pistol to TPR and we can custom fit the triarii stock system to your pistol, completely set it up and then send it back to you finished. Complete cost including triarii pistol stock £1295 including postage back to your Rfd

Full package on this includes

One Walther ppq.22 long Barrel pistol £790
One machined slide and shield sight adapter £150
One spare Walther 12 round mag £32
TPR tactical carbon barrel and rod £155
One full custom fitted triarii tactical carbine pistol stock system £1295
Full carbon custom moderator in the pictures by TPR available but not included £195
Vortex sight not included

With over 30 years of experience in custom firearms and custom paint work you could not be in better hands for absolutely everything pistol and rifle.

Total package £2,422 including delivery ,only to order, all enquires welcome please call to discuss no emails please
Julian 07788714512

Walther ppq long barrel pistol with triarii conversion. Tri5

Walther ppq long barrel pistol with triarii conversion. Tri2

Walther ppq long barrel pistol with triarii conversion. Tri3

Walther ppq long barrel pistol with triarii conversion. Tri4

Walther ppq long barrel pistol with triarii conversion. Tri1

If you require any further details on any of our items or if you have items you are interested in selling phone Julian on 07788714512 or 01502712016 or email us via the link on this page.

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